Born: Busan, South Korea, 1968
Moved to Germany, 1994
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

Sunah Choi, born in 1968 in Busan, Korea investigates and deals with the process of abstraction in relation to time, location and phenomena. In various mediums and materials, she examines rooted ideas and traditional structures of perception. Her installations, sculptures, photographs, and drawings specifically focus and highlight visual aesthetics of cultures encapsulated in collective memory.

By diffusing visual perceptions in her compositions of sculpture, Choi explores a raw aesthetic quality deeply rooted in a culture of the everyday. The materiality of her works often relies on pure materials like, steel, concrete and stone which, through their composition process, explore the content and formal structure of things.


1995 - 2001
Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste -Städelschule- Frankfurt, Germany class of Georg Herold, Peter Kubelka, Thomas Bayrle

The Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London, GB

Solo Exhibitions

Kunstverein Reutlingen, Reutlingen, Germany
Banco, Kunsthall 3.14, Bergen, Norway
Karo, Edition Block, René Block, Berlin, Germany

Skala, Museum Nikolaikirche, Hannah-Höch-Förderpreis, Berlin, Germany *

Kólla, Galerie Mezzanin, Geneva, Switzerland

Cryptographic Imagination, 7 1/2 - Seven and a Half, Seoul, Korea Chemi, U4, Albrecht Kastein, Urologisches Zentrum Steglitz, Berlin, Germany Eisen, NON Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Galerie Johann Widauer, Innsbruck, Austria

Galerie Mezzanin, Vienna, Austria Nach Material, Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender, Berlin, Germany

Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender, Berlin, Germany

A Circle within Six Circles, Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender, Berlin, Germany

long and short, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul, Korea

Bielefelder Kunstverein, Bielefeld, Germany *

Tokonoma, Galerie Michael Neff, Frankfurt, Germany

Japan im Kopf, 1822-Forum, Frankfurt, Germany *

Empty Full City, Galerie Michael Neff, Frankfurt, Germany
Learning Asia, dontmiss, Frankfurt, Germany
flowersandleaves, rraum, Frankfurt, Germany

Selected Group Exhibitions

... aber nur zuschaun tut richtig weh, Edition Block, Berlin
Kunst am Bau, curated by Hans-Jürgen Hafner, Gunter Reski & Marcus Weber, Berlin

Ansammeln, Galerie Johann Widauer, Innsbruck, Austria
Quaderna, with Marcus Weber, after the butcher, Berlin, Germany

Divided We Stand, Busan Biennale 2018, curated by Cristina Ricupero & Jörg Heiser, Museum of Contemporary Art, Busan, Korea
Elephant in the Room, curated by Sunyoung Oh, Museum Sejarah Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia A Tale of Two Cities: Narrative Archive of Memories III, curated by Sunyoung Oh, National Gallery of Indonesia, Indonesia Birds, invited by Michael Beutler, Oldenburger Kunstverein, Oldenburg, Germany
Lilia & Tulipan, curated by Meike Behm, Kunsthalle Lingen, Germany
A Tale of Two Cities: Narrative Archive of Memories II, curated by Sunyoung Oh, Gimhae Arts and Sports Center, Gimhae, Korea

Vision & Perspective 1999 - 2017, Cognitive Mapping, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea
A Tale of Two Cities: Narrative Archive of Memories, curated by Sunyoung Oh, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
Sonne auf Papier, Technische Sammlungen, Dresden, Germany

Sonne auf Papier, curated by Thomas Niemeyer, Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, Germany
Wiederholung. Cmelka - Choi - Falsnaes, curated by Kira Dell, Blumenladen - St. Elisabeth Kirchhof II, Berlin, Germany
The Unfaithful Replica, curated by Nuria Enguita Mayo & Nacho Paris, CA2M-Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles-Madrid, Spain
Remember Lidice, curated by René Block, Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, Germany

Dérive Dérivée, curated by Angelique Campens, CAB Contemporary Art, Brussels, Belgium
Significant Other, Korea Kulturhaus, Donnaupark, Vienna, Austria
Remember Lidice, curated by René Block, Edition Block, Berlin, Germany
Supermagnets, curated by A. von Taube & H. Friebe, Schau Fenster, Berlin, Germany Grand Illusion(s), curated by Christopher Eamon, Simon Preston Gallery, New York, USA
Springer, nochmals, curated by Angela Rosenberg, Probebühne 7, Humboldt Lab Dahlem, Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Germany

I multiplied myself in order to feel myself, curated by Barbara Rüdiger, Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna, Austria

Josefine meets Sunah, with Thomas Bayrle, Galerie Mezzanin, Vienna, Austria
Cattedrale, invited by Enzo Cucchi, Salvatore Lacagnina and Victor Man, Istituto Svizzero Roma, Rome, Italy
echo release, Stipendiaten der Hessischen Kulturstiftung, curated by Aurélia Defrance & Anna-Viktoria Eschbach, Hessischen Kulturstiftung / Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany
The Unanswered Question. Iskle 2, curated by René Block, n.b.k. - Neue Berliner Kunstverein / TANAS, Berlin, Germany Hélio Oiticica im Palmengarten, Performance- und Filmprogram in Penetrável PN 14, MMK, Frankfurt, Germany
einszehn, zweizehn, dreizehn, curated by Jörg van den Berg, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, Germany
How far away is Mars, T293, Rome, Italy The Artist´s Institute, curated by Thomas Bayrle & Anthony Hubermann, New York, USA
New Kids of the Block, curated by Ayse Erkmen, TANAS, Berlin, Germany
Detouched, curated by Anthony Hubermann, Project Arts Centre, Dublin, Ireland
Selected Artists 2012, curated by Frank Wagner, NGBK - Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin, Germany

Garden of Learning, Busan Biennale 2012, curated by Roger M. Buergel, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea
Expending the Grid, curated by Franziska Solte, Instituts für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
east people power, curated by Jae-Hyun Yoo, KunstDoc, Leipzig, Germany
Object Atlas - Fieldwork in the Museum, curated by Clementine Deliss, Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt, Germany

Thomas Bayrle kuratiert (ungern) Schrippenkönig mit P?, curated by Thomas Bayrle, Galerie Mezzanin, Vienna, Austria
BEYOND, curated by Adam Budak, KUMU Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
Is This Where It Ends?, Sunah Choi / Haroon Mirza, curated by Franziska Solte & Isabelle Busch, Kunstverein Harburger Bhf, Hamburg, Germany
based in Berlin, KW - Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany
Un´Espressione Geografica, curated by Francesco Bonami, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
Dancing to the Rhyme, curated by Sunyoung Oh, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea Splace, curated by Antje Majewski, Fernsehturm, Berlin, Germany
Seven Little Mistakes, curated by Stefano Collicelli Cagol, Museo Marino Marini, Florence, Italy

And the Moral of the Story is…, curated by Zoe Gray, Film program, Morality, Witte de With, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Soot and Spit, Sils, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Art Sonje Lounge Project, with Chosil Kil, curated by Sunjung Kim, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea

USB, Hangaram Museum, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea Dream House, curated by Seon-Ryeong Cho, Alternative Space Pool, Seoul, Korea

Boxer, curated by Juliane von Herz, Literaturhaus Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany

The California Files, curated by Ariane Beyn, Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, CCA, San Francisco, USA

Beijing Case, curated by Gregor Jansen, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
UPDATE.06, 40 years video art in Germany, curated by Matthias Mühling, Lenbachhaus, München, Germany

Parallel Life, curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen & Vanessa Joan Müller, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany
Screening War, curated by Thomas Thiel, ZKM, Karlsruhe / ZKMax, München, Germany
Therefore Beautiful, curated by Vanessa Joan Müller, Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Kreichtal, Germany

A Grass of Water, Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Japan Sculpture Now, Galerie Michael Neff, Frankfurt, Germany

Heute, Hess. Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Wiesbaden, Germany In Media Res, Gallery Art & Essai, University Rennes, France

easy-heavy, with Michael Beutler, Luftraum, Frankfurt, Germany

2001 Frankfurter Kreuz, curated by Anette Tietenberg, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany
Videonale 9, curated by Sören Grammel, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany

Dynamo-Eintracht, curated by Jan Winkelmann & Konstantin Adamopoulos, Galerie ak, Frankfurt / Robotron, Dresden, Germany
Eine Munition unter Anderen, curated by Sören Grammel, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany
Real Work, Werkleitz Biennale 4, Tornitz, Germany

German Open, curated by Veit Görner, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany

Grants and Awards

Hannah-Höch-Förderpreis, Berlin, Germany

Artist Residency, Lenikus, Vienna, Austria

Arbeitsstipendium, Berliner Senat, Berlin, Germany

Prize of Frankfurter Verein für Künstlerhilfe, Frankfurt, Germany

Artist Residency, Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi, Japan

Reisestipendium, Hessische Kulturstiftung, Wiesbaden, Germany

Arbeitsstipendium, Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn, Germany
Artist Residency, SSamzie Space, Seoul, Korea

Prize of Verein Freunde der Städelschule, Frankfurt, Germany